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We're having the TCI6630K2L SOC and we want to use the Receive Accelerator (RAC ). It will be helpful if someone can share the example application code and any relevant documents. 

Thanks & Regards,

Vishal Kalkundrikar

DRA722: I2C pull-up register value


Part Number: DRA722


Now using 10kohm PU register on I2C lines, based on VOL and Idrive specification in data manual and EVM's I2C pull-up register value.

However, the actual measurement on the board, tr timing value was 600nsec and not meet the fast speed tr specification (max 300ns).

Is there any recommended PU register value of I2C (fast speed)?





Part Number: AM5728


I am using the AM5728 PROCESSOR in our board.All the PMIC(TPS6590378) outputs are coming correctly within tolerance and also checked for the clk in for OSC0,1.

Both the clocks are OK. Then i connected  UART3-RS232 converter output to the PC.I have done the basic setting for the serial port Baud--> 115200,data size--> 8,parity--> none etc.

There is no reply/reponse from the processor.

Is any other thing i need to check?

Is UART3 respond from the ROM boot loader or some boot image file require?

Please provide the feedback and related link .

Thanks in advance.

AM5708: C66x software pipelining


Part Number: AM5708

Hi,  I have two questions below for software pipelining.

1) Why didn't the file xx.se66  occur for my linear assembly file named xx.sa after I using the opt "-MW -k" to compile. so I cannot see the information of software pipelining.(but when I use  xx.cpp, there is no such problems).What should I check to my compile opts?

2) which is better between a and b.

a. ii = 4 Schedule found with 9 iterations in parallel.

b. ii = 4 Schedule found with 3 iterations in parallel.

3)which is better between c and d.

c. ii = 4 Schedule found with 9 iterations in parallel.

d. ii = 3 Schedule found with 9 iterations in parallel.

TDA2EG-17: TDA2EG-17 How to Force IPu HDMI Output


Part Number: TDA2EG-17

HI master:

     sdk: processor_sdk_vision_03_05_00_00  

     my board boot as linux target, How to Force IPu HDMI Output ?

AM4382: Mux for camera interface


Part Number: AM4382

Working on Costing for the New Product development

Product Requirement : Plan to use 2 Separate camera in Single parallel Bus for the Different application

Pls advice can i do interface 2 camera in Single Bus ?If yes..Can you advice Mux ckt for the parallel Bus



AM1808: About the proper / newer solution to replace AM1808


Part Number: AM1808


My customer is developing dash cam by TI AM1808.

And the dash cam will have 1 camera or 4 cameras.

Please help to suggest if there is proper / newer solution to replace AM1808.



CCS/AM5728: JTAG connect issue with DSP


Part Number: AM5728

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hello Champs,

Customer has configured dsp clock and reset in uboot (uboot has no DPLL configuration code). If he added the DPLL code, the ccs could not be connected to the board again, it prompted below error message. 

66xx_DSP1: Error connecting to the target: (Error -1144 @ 0x0) Device core is hung. The debugger attempted to recover debug control, but was unsuccessful. Power-cycle the board. If error persists, confirm configuration and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK). (Emulation package 

The emulator is okay. If he didn't add the DPLL code, ccs could be connected to board, but the dsp code could not boot successfully, if modifying the DPLL register in memory browser, the dsp could boot. 

In summary(uboot has configured the DSP clock and reset):

1. uboot, not add dsp dpll code, ccs could connect to dsp core, but code run incorrectly without DPLL configuration

2. uboot + dsp dpll code,  ccs could not connect to dsp core most of time, it could connect to dsp core and run correctly only several times. 

3. uboot, not add dsp dpll code, ccs could connect to dsp core, modify the dpll register, dsp code run correctly.

What's the problem? Is it related to PCIe?

Thank you.



Linux/AM3354: Matrix issue in LIDD mode


Part Number: AM3354

Tool/software: Linux

Hi team,

I use the AM3354's lidd mode with the ra8875 lcd controller, which can already generate fb0 in the /dev/ folder and display the rootfs screen, but in order to distinguish my ra8875 driver, in the device tree, I changed the LCD name from "tilcdc" to "ra8875lcd".

I want to further display the graphics made by QT creator on the LCD, so I chose SDK-, but there are some problems.

I posted some messages executed in SDK- below. Can you please assist in the analysis?

By the way, I can display the Matrix screen on the host side.


root@smarct335x:~# /etc/init.d/matrix-gui-2.0 start


Removing stale PID file /var/run/matrix-gui-2.0.pid.

Starting Matrix GUI application.


root@smarct335x:~# matrix_browser -qws http://localhost:80

failed to load module: /usr/lib/gbm/gbm_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

failed to load module: /usr/lib/gbm/gbm_gallium_drm.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

loaded module : gbm_pvr.so

found valid GBM backend : gbm_pvr.so

PVR:(Error): [  854->  854] <              gbm_pvr_create_device():585|ERROR> Failed to create DBM device: No such device [0, ]

Could not create GBM device (No such device)

Could not open device /dev/dri/card0 - aborting!

Aborted (core dumped)


root@smarct335x:~# modetest

trying to open device 'i915'...failed

trying to open device 'radeon'...failed

trying to open device 'nouveau'...failed

trying to open device 'vmwgfx'...failed

trying to open device 'omapdrm'...failed

trying to open device 'exynos'...failed

trying to open device 'tilcdc'...failed

trying to open device 'msm'...failed

trying to open device 'sti'...failed

trying to open device 'tegra'...failed

trying to open device 'imx-drm'...failed

trying to open device 'rockchip'...failed

trying to open device 'atmel-hlcdc'...failed

trying to open device 'fsl-dcu-drm'...failed

trying to open device 'vc4'...failed

trying to open device 'virtio_gpu'...failed

no device found


root@smarct335x:~# kmscube

trying to load module omapdrm...failed.

trying to load module tilcdc...failed.

trying to load module i915...failed.

trying to load module radeon...failed.

trying to load module nouveau...failed.

trying to load module vmwgfx...failed.

trying to load module exynos...failed.

could not open drm device

failed to initialize DRM


AM3352: NAND errors


Part Number: AM3352


we are using AM3352 based custom board with nand Micron MT29F4G08ABBFAH4. we were using the 4.14.38 Linux kernel and 2018.01 u-boot since long. board and software works fine here.

And we try to upgrade the Linux kernel to 4.19.20 with same board and u-boot,  we are getting omap2-nand 8000000.nand: uncorrectable bit-flips found and that leads to ubi0 error: ubi_io_read [ubi]: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 13 bytes from PEB.

Finally the rootfs mounts ro. Next boot ubi mount, gets failure due the previous ecc errors.

(Please visit the site to view this file)

I attached the boot log,  please give some input on those errors

I need to know ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm- prebuilt binaries is working with am335x-evm board nand boot?. Here i couldn't verify with our custom board.

AM5708: OSC0 clock issue


Part Number: AM5708


     We need to change the  crystal which connected to AM5708 osc0  from 19.2mhz to 22.5792mhz , and change it to the same as am5728, because we need 22.5792mhz reference frequency for McAsp interface, but after we change it to 19.2mhz, AM5708 can't start  up, what configuration we should change to make AM5708 work normally?

AM5728: OPP settings and power consumption


Part Number: AM5728


  1. Under each OPP level there is a max freq. for each domain, then is there a min freq. under each OPP level?
  2. In comparing with AM572x thermal consideration report(SPRAC79–March 2017) and AM571x thermal consideration report(SPRAC78–March 2017), it turns out that AM5728 in single core has lower power consumption but higher junction temperature than AM5718. Could you explain the reason behind?

for example, both Dhrystone OPP_NOM, 25degC ambient, junction temperature AM5728(single core) vs AM5718:

58degC vs 37.4degC, delta: +20.6degC

power consumpiton:

2092mW vs 2987mW, delta: -895mW  

CCS/AM5728: GEL file requirement for latest CCS version


Part Number: AM5728

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


Is GEL file also requires for the latest version of CCS.

AM5726: sdk ti-processor-sdk-linux-rt-am57xx-evm- "git fetch origin --unshallow"


Part Number: AM5726


I downloaded the ti-processor-sdk-linux-rt-am57xx-evm- sdk and wanted to unshallow the linux sources in the directory 

./board-support/linux-rt-4.19.38+gitAUTOINC+1224cd679e-g1224cd679e with 

git fetch origin --unshallow 

but I always get the error 

fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

I think, that my git installation is OK since I can fetch the complet branch from the server.

mv@MV-MkII-VM:~/test2$ git fetch origin processor-sdk-linux-rt-4.19.y
remote: Counting objects: 6293319, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1033990/1033990), done.
remote: Total 6293319 (delta 5317949), reused 6181001 (delta 5214980)
Receiving objects: 100% (6293319/6293319), 1.26 GiB | 6.15 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5317949/5317949), done.
From git://git.ti.com/processor-sdk/processor-sdk-linux
* branch processor-sdk-linux-rt-4.19.y -> FETCH_HEAD
* [new branch] processor-sdk-linux-rt-4.19.y -> origin/processor-sdk-linux-rt-4.19.y
mv@MV-MkII-VM:~/test2$ git --version
git version 2.13.3

My git version is 2.13.3.

The remote origin was already set 

git remote -v
origin git://git.ti.com/processor-sdk/processor-sdk-linux.git (fetch)
origin git://git.ti.com/processor-sdk/processor-sdk-linux.git (push)

Thanks for your help.

Compiler/TMS320C6678: function "_cmpgtu" declared implicitly on C6600 core


Part Number: TMS320C6678

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

Hello All,

I am trying to compile my code to for C6600 core and include the c6x.h and started using the _cmpgtu intrinsic but my compilation gives me warning that _cmpgtu is declared implicitly.

I have configured my project correctly below is the output on command line which shows all options i have configured. Can someone please tell me what i have missed as i couldn't find the issue.

'Building file: ../x.c'
'Invoking: C6000 Compiler'
"C:/ti_ccsv5.5/ccsv5/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c6000_8.3.3/bin/cl6x" -mv6600 --abi=eabi --include_path="C:/ti_ccsv5.5/ccsv5/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c6000_8.3.3/include" --define=_TMS320C6600 -g --diag_warning=225 --diag_wrap=off --display_error_number --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="x.pp" "../x.c"
"..\x.h", line 295: warning #14-D: extra text after expected end of preprocessing directive
"C:/ti_ccsv5.5/ccsv5/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c6000_8.3.3/include/sys/_stdint.h", line 71: warning #303-D: typedef name has already been declared (with same type)
"../x.c", line 279: warning #225-D: function "_cmpgtu" declared implicitly

Thabks for yours response


Deepak Joshi

TDA2PXEVM: Function to extract the masks from semseg usecase


Part Number: TDA2PXEVM

Hi TI,

I have few question regarding post image processing on tda2.

1. How to use vlib within the tidl_postproclink,c?

2. Which function of vlib can be used to extract the information of individual class mask. What I am looking for is something similar to cv2.inRange function in Vlib?

3. Is there any function to find the contours as well in vlib?

Thank you.

With best regards,

H.M. Owais

Linux/AM3352: NAND write fails


Part Number: AM3352

Tool/software: Linux

Writing failures occur when using nandwrite instructions in MTD util tools

The NAND flash GPMC pinmux settings are as follows

When I erase and write Flash, I use an oscilloscope to measure the Wpn pin, which is always high level without write protection.

But after calling nandwrite to write flash, there are a lot of errors, as shown below.

So I added some test code to the driver of kernel, found that it was often considered to have write protection at the function nand_check_wp. What is the reason for this phenomenon?

AM5728: ArmNN Caffe examples sources

Compiler/TDA2HG: OCMC


Part Number: TDA2HG

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

When I use OCMC memory to store some flags in my code, I find some questions about it, described as follows:

1. Occupy OCMC memory, IPU2 read and others cores plus by itself respectively. Before reading, calling Cache_inv . After writing, calling Cache_wb

2. When running, A15 occurs an XDC ASSERT error on purpose (the error is made for testing) .
[HOST ] 181.014670 s: Unhandled Exception:
[HOST ] 181.014670 s: Exception occurred in ThreadType_Task
[HOST ] 181.014670 s: Exception occured in A15 with exception type 18
[HOST ] 181.014701 s: handle: 0x837bf0d4.
[HOST ] 181.014701 s: stack base: 0x837b01e0.
[HOST ] 181.014701 s: stack size: 0x800.
[HOST ] 181.014701 s: R0 = 0xfffffff0 R8 = 0xffffffff
[HOST ] 181.014731 s: R1 = 0x00000000 R9 = 0xffffffff
[HOST ] 181.014731 s: R2 = 0x00000000 R10 = 0xffffffff
[HOST ] 181.014731 s: R3 = 0xfffffff0 R11 = 0x837b0994
[HOST ] 181.014731 s: R4 = 0xffffffff R12 = 0x837b0998
[HOST ] 181.014762 s: R5 = 0xffffffff SP(R13) = 0x82f9afb4
[HOST ] 181.014762 s: R6 = 0xffffffff LR(R14) = 0x85cc8884
[HOST ] 181.014762 s: R7 = 0xffffffff PC(R15) = 0x82f9afb4
[HOST ] 181.014792 s: PSR = 0xffffffff
[HOST ] 181.014792 s: DFSR = 0x00000a05
[HOST ] 181.014792 s: IFSR = 0x00000000
[HOST ] 181.014792 s: DFAR = 0xfffffff0
[HOST ] 181.014792 s: IFAR = 0x00000000
[HOST ] 181.014823 s: Terminating Execution...
[HOST ] 181.014823 s:
[HOST ] 181.014823 s: ### XDC ASSERT - ERROR CALLBACK START ###
[HOST ] 181.014823 s:
[HOST ] 181.014853 s: E_dataAbort: pc = 0x82f9afb4, lr = 0x85cc8884.
[HOST ] 181.014853 s:
[HOST ] 181.014884 s: ### XDC ASSERT - ERROR CALLBACK END ###
[HOST ] 181.014884 s:

3. After the error occur, finding IPU1_1 /EVE1 can’t write successfully.
A. Adding debug code and print the flag in IPU1_1 core.
B. Normal case, the print messages:
[IPU1-1] 64.817239 s: WARN | TEST pParam=0x4037FC18 isReportXDCAssert=0 tick=168
[IPU1-1] 65.017202 s: WARN | TEST pParam=0x4037FC18 isReportXDCAssert=0 tick=169
[IPU1-1] 65.217226 s: WARN | TEST pParam=0x4037FC18 isReportXDCAssert=0 tick=170
As shown, the flag tick can be pulsed normally.
C. Exception case, the print messages:
[IPU1-1] 391.426035 s: WARN | TEST pParam=0x4037FC18 isReportXDCAssert=0 tick=750
[IPU1-1] 391.626029 s: WARN | TEST pParam=0x4037FC18 isReportXDCAssert=0 tick=750
As shown, the flag tick can’t be pulsed and the value is always the same.

I need your help to solve the problem. I need OCMC memory can be work normally after A15 occur XDC ASSERT.

Thanks for your attention

BEAGLEBK: Profibus Slave licensing


Part Number: BEAGLEBK


I have adapted/ported the Profibus slave example provided with the PRU-ICSS Industrial Software for Sitara processors to work in the BeagleBone Black board.

I think it might be a good educational exercise (to learn about industrial communications, RTOS,...) and I was thinking of posting instructions on Github.

But I have a concern regarding the export control restrictions that apply. I'm actually a bit confused because according to the license included with the code redistribution is allowed as long as the copyright notice and non-endorsement conditions are retained.

The question is then: can I publish the code of the Profibus example itself (original or with modifications)?

To make the example work on the BBB I had to modify the source code of the Ti-RTOS PDK, but since that is part of the Processor SDK I'm assuming no restrictions apply on that front.

I do understand there are commercial reasons for TI not to actively support (or at least include the source with the PDK) the Profibus or other industrial communication protocols on the BBB (I'm joining the dots here and I hope not overstretching them but I'm guessing the BBB is not at all a competitor to the Sitara development boards for which the examples are intended so not much profit would be sacrificed there).

On the other hand, Profibus hardware is very expensive and I think there would be an audience for educational purposes. I'm wondering why there is no support for these examples on the BBB...

Thank you in advance for your feedback on this.

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