Part Number:AM3354
Can AM3354BZCZD80 work at more than 1GHZ, do we have successful story or suggestion about that?
customer want to shorten the switch on time by doing this.
Thank you!
Part Number:AM3354
Can AM3354BZCZD80 work at more than 1GHZ, do we have successful story or suggestion about that?
customer want to shorten the switch on time by doing this.
Thank you!
Part Number:TMS320C6747
My customer is needed to move over from the current DA810 to C6747 without hardware design change. They would like to confirm unused pin handing for USB1_DP and USB1_DM. C6747 datasheet mentions those pins should be leaved unconnected. But in the current DA810 based HW design, those have been connected to GND (Because those pins are regarded as GND pins in DA810 datasheet).
Do you have any concerns for leaving those pins connected to GND ?
Best Regard,
Part Number:66AK2H06
I have following queries..
1) How many MACs are there in 66AK2H06 ?
2) Are all are configurable ?
3) Is it possible for any device (connected at port 1) to exchange data with any other device (connected at port 2 / 3 / 4) without passing it through processor (i.e at port 0) ?
4) if it is possible (point 3 above), can we restrict it with the use of MAC IDs ?
Hello TI,
We are using hardware Interrupt pacing feature provided by Ethernet Subsystem of AM335x processor for our project. The idea here is to limit the number of Receive interrupts that occur during a given period of time, so that the hardware withstands network storm,in-turn avoid load on CPU.
To Enable the Interrupt pacing feature, we have used the following initialization steps in the below mentioned order.
With the Prescaler value set to 1600, we are observing that, when the CPU is subjected to network storm(100Mb/s) for a longer duration( 2+hrs), Ethernet subsystem stops receiving the Incoming RX interrupts for Infinite duration of time.We have to manually Power cycle the CPU for things to work again.
I verified the Prescaler value with the Linux CPSW driver which uses Interrupt pacing feature. I noticed that Prescaler value of 500 is used . When I used the value of 500 in our driver code, things started working fine during storm test.
1. When Interrupt pacing is disabled, this issue is not observed
2. We are using VxWorks RTOS
My question here is:
Tool/software: Linux
ti-processor -sdk-linux-rt-am57xx-evm- linux-x86 using wayland version 1.13, when to release the later version or how to upgrade wayland myself?
1. I want to use higher versions of wayland and qt. How do I upgrade?
2. Will the next version of the processor- SDK use higher versions of wayland and qt?
Part Number:TMDSEVM572X
I would like to know if TI can share the PCB design files- gerber data and PCB stack-up- for the TMDSEVM572X EVM card. This is required so that we can follow a similar approach in our design.
Hello E2E community,
I need to implement a bootloader on my AM4377-based custom board. It has SDRAM slightly different from IDK or GPEVM board, it is DDR3L MT41K256M16TW-107 AAT.
The SDRAM timings are different from IDK/GPEVM boards, I use specific gel files and my projects run fine on this board when loaded from CCS. I can prepare the bootable MicroSD card for IDK board and it works like a charm (I put my MLO/app files). But when I take "ti\pdk_am437x_1_0_14\packages\ti\starterware\bootloader" as example, adjust timings, rebuild with this command:
gmake bootloader BUILDCFG=boot PLATFORM=am43xx-evm BOOTMODE=mmcsd
and put the binary with TI header to the SD card:
bootloader_boot_mmcsd_a9host_debug_ti.bin -> MLO
Then nothing is working! My board just keeps complete silent about any attempts to boot from SD card. I don't see any messages! Neither on console nor on serial port.
The SYSBOOT lines on my custom board to select the boot devices are set to the EXACT same values as for IDK_AM437x board.
As shown below, on IDK_AM437x board only signals SYSBOOT[3,4,14] are connected to 3.3VDC, others are grounded.
On my custom board they are routed exactly same way:
I check the CTRL_STS register:
IDK_AM437x board, CTRL_STS (0x44e10040) = 00400318
Custom board, CTRL_STS (0x44e10040) = 00400308
CTRL_STS register on my board is different (1 bit is different), but I tried to set it through CCS to the same value as IDK board and it doesn't change anything.
I'm trying to understand what's wrong with my boot loader and added debug messages to "starterware\bootloader\src\sbl_main.c"
int main(void) { uint32_t status; uint32_t imageSize; printf("Hello world, from the bootloader!\n"); /* !!! */ status = BOARDInit(NULL); if(status != S_PASS) { printf("** BOARDInit() returns error!\n"); /* !!! */ return 1; }
But I don't see any messages during board boot.
** My questions **
1. How do I debug the boot loader?
2. Where should I set the breakpoint?
3. Even if my SDRAM timings are wrong, I still have to see at least printf() messages, why don't I see them?
Any help will be very appreciated as I'm really stuck and not sure how to resolve this issue and make my custom board boot from MMCSD.
Thanks a lot!
Part Number:TMS320VC5509A
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
I have HD44233 codec data was read by DSP shown in below(when incoming fsk caller id):
91 94 111 99 87 229 224 213 98 98
224 239 106 97 149 231 103 102 116 242
237 241 101 111 226 239 21 99 232 227
119 99 100 211 231 229 97 106 239 226
21 102 227 231 210 103 98 95 225 237
99 111 233 227 107 96 224 225 241 114
108 74 230 238 108 104 149 229 105 102
245 231 229 78 109 103 228 238 110 102
149 250 98 98 208 231 227 223 109 98
225 237 106 98 233 231 100 102 75 241
236 243 103 111 237 236 21 103 233 230
117 102 99 205 230 251 103 104 238 230
21 103 236 227 213 103 108 69 224 227
98 105 237 230 105 102 230 224 240 116
108 113 231 236 98 111 149 231 106 100
202 230 230 78 98 96 230 232 104 98
148 228 108 103 89 255 226 87 96 98
225 239 106 102 234 249 121 96 124 249
227 253 100 108 237 237 21 100 232 231
118 96 103 212 225 231 102 107 236 230
20 101 227 230 208 103 96 86 230 225
97 110 234 227 21 99 231 225 241 112
98 78 230 239 108 105 149 250 104 101
247 225 250 76 108 97 230 236 111 96
148 225 105 96 84 228 224 212 99 98
227 226 107 97 235 231 103 102 115 240
236 241 103 110 239 236 21 101 233 225
117 98 100 222 250 229 96 111 238 226
23 97 238 231 208 100 98 70 227 236
111 105 232 231 110 97 231 226 246 119
108 114 229 232 96 108 234 248 106 100
240 231 229 77 99 102 231 239 104 108
235 228 111 97 85 250 237 221 99 98
227 238 106 102 234 228 97 97 78 255
239 243 103 111 236 237 21 102 238 228
118 96 97 204 231 250 96 107 239 224
20 102 236 224 94 97 99 84 230 227
99 98 235 230 110 97 231 231 204 125
111 76 229 238 109 111 148 231 105 103
201 224 231 77 99 103 228 236 110 96
149 229 104 96 67 251 226 214 99 96
237 226 106 103 149 230 103 102 118 253
237 244 97 105 236 236 21 124 150 229
120 108 98 216 225 251 98 105 239 224
20 103 237 231 88 100 97 209 236 227
98 110 234 230 106 97 225 230 246 127
111 118 230 233 109 99 234 228 105 100
245 231 229 76 108 103 224 236 104 109
235 228 110 98 83 228 239 217 96 96
227 236 106 103 234 231 102 102 116 255
239 240 102 110 236 237 21 97 236 250
125 100 96 198 227 255 102 104 237 230
106 101 239 231 87 122 98 92 224 230
108 109 235 229 106 102 225 231 202 113
109 66 225 239 111 98 149 250 108 102
194 229 248 79 98 97 225 233 111 100
148 248 107 99 213 228 226 85 99 109
225 237 21 103 149 228 102 97 116 254
237 247 102 110 236 237 21 101 148 229
114 97 111 222 225 228 96 104 236 225
21 100 224 226 211 101 97 88 225 236
98 108 235 228 21 101 229 228 246 127
108 113 228 239 108 108 149 228 111 103
244 230 230 66 97 103 223 230 229 83
96 97 92 228 230 209 97 96 71 229
224 197 120 96 78 249 227 246 123 96
116 240 226 254 118 109 125 240 227 255
118 108 99 216 230 228 89 99 96 80
227 225 81 102 99 68 249 225 199 103
96 66 229 226 200 122 97 64 246 230
246 116 97 126 241 224 254 77 98 100
205 226 251 77 98 103 197 230 228 95
97 96 80 230 230 223 102 99 69 229
225 198 122 108 112 249 226 247 114 96
112 242 226 255 118 98 114 242 224 243
117 99 103 201 225 249 90 109 99 211
227 228 209 99 109 90 228 226 207 100
109 116 248 237 194 126 99 117 253 227
252 127 99 120 247 236 252 119 98 123
203 225 250 83 96 102 223 231 229 95
97 99 210 231 225 220 96 96 64 231
230 198 101 98 75 249 227 244 114 99
113 247 227 255 118 98 121 243 227 253
76 99 97 212 231 251 88 99 96 209
230 230 212 103 99 90 231 230 218 100
99 89 255 224 240 124 96 119 255 236
244 124 99 127 241 225 243 119 99 122
198 226 229 66 96 102 210 230 228 87
109 98 93 228 227 196 102 97 68 231
230 195 114 99 77 252 224 202 121 98
112 242 227 252 114 98 118 246 225 242
75 109 96 194 227 228 90 99 97 80
227 224 215 101 98 95 229 231 219 102
98 118 251 226 219 101 98 117 248 236
241 125 96 114 246 227 248 74 99 125
247 226 255 72 98 97 211 229 228 213
98 98 215 228 225 221 102 96 71 229
230 244 121 97 64 249 227 241 125 98
115 243 227 254 114 98 126 203 225 240
70 108 102 212 231 228 89 96 97 217
from the above data, we have 1200hz&2200Hz data.
I tried to encode manually it was wrong (because sometimes sample for 1200Hz and 2200Hz are same)
After I tried using Georztel algorithm to find 1200Hz & 2200Hz. But that code was not detect the two frquency.(i attach the code below)
Can I use FFT algorithm to detect this frequency ??
can anyone help me to solve this problem.
Thanks(Please visit the site to view this file)
Tool/software: TI-RTOS
I am using MYIR tech MYD-C437X-PRU Development board for my development purpose, I made the setup CCSv8.3 and the latest RTOS SDK. Now I want to bring up the Giga bit ethernet port on the board like assigning the IP address and pinging, socket programming and so on. Kindly suggest me which example project can I use as a reference for my requirement.
Nagaraj G
Part Number:TDA2EVM5777
I am using VisionSDK 3.06 on TDA2x EVM. I have to build a use-case for BIOS build. The use-case contains an algorithm link. This link encapsulates an algorithm which contains OpenCV and C++ constructs. I am thinking of hosting this algorithm link on the A15 core of TDA2x.
I have the following queries:
(1) Does TI support OpenCV on A15 core with VSDK 3.06? ----> reason to ask this question is that I read in another forum thread that TI was planning to deprecate OpenCV support after VSDK 3.03.
(2) What version of OpenCV is supported on the A15 core? ----> this is to ensure that our algorithm is not using any advanced version of OpenCV that TI cannot support.
(3) VisionSDK has separate build configurations for BIOS and OpenCV builds. How can I create a build configuration for BIOS that also includes OpenCV?
(4) VisionSDK documentation consists a guide to enable OpenCV and OpenCL with VisionSDK Linux. Where can I find the steps to enable OpenCV for VisionSDK BIOS? ----> I am planning to use BIOS on A15.
(5) Where can I find exact information on the support for C++ constructs on the A15 core? ----> it would be nice if you can provide name of the exact document.
Thank you.
Tool/software: Linux
We found that we couldn't update CPU frequency by changing "assigned-clock-rates" in the u-boot device tree
a53_0: a53@0 {
compatible = "ti,am654-rproc";
power-domains = <&k3_pds 202>,
<&k3_pds 61>;
resets = <&k3_reset 202 0>;
proc-controls = <&k3_proc_ctrl 32 10>;
assigned-clocks = <&k3_clks 202 0>;
assigned-clock-rates = <1000000000>;
It's not working, the CPU remains in 800MHz.
We are running the latest SDK 5.03.
Thanks for the support.
Part Number:OMAP-L138
Tool/software: TI-RTOS
Is there a sample application showing both the ARM and DSP cores running RTOS?
Thank you
Part Number:OMAP-L138
I am currently working on omapl138 latest sdk 05_03_00_07, the user guide only talks about IPC but not Syslink.
Is it that this sdk does not work with syslink ? or IPC has replace syslink ?
If I need to upgrade the dsplink, should I consider Syslink or IPC ?
Part Number:AM5728
Tool/software: TI-RTOS
We are designing a system based on the AM5728. We will be running Yocto Linux on the A15 and RTOS on the DSP's (and M4's).
We will be using all 4 spi ports to read in adc data continuously. We need to get this data into the DSP's for processing. Once processed we will be making the results available to the Linux core.
As this is a real time application, we need to get the SPI data into the DSP's directly. So my question is, is it possible to configure the DSP cores to have control over the SPI peripherals (and some GPIO and UART for that matter), and if so how to go about that?
Part Number:AM5728
Tool/software: Linux
I want to use cpu0 to run Linux and cpu1 to run naked board program. Can I use it in this way?
Part Number:AM5718
Tool/software: Linux
We are working on AM5718 processor using ti-processor-sdk-linux-am57xx-evm- We are not getting the pwm signal in u-boot and due to that we are unable to get the backlight on u-boot and we are also unable to get the lvds clock and our main target is to load the logo in the u-boot and we are unable to load the logo because of the above mentioned issues. So we are attaching the u-boot files and kindly have a glance on the dts files attached and help us to load the logo in the u-boot and to get the backlight in the u-boot. If that case is not possible could you suggest any other method to load the logo mainly before loading the application.
(Please visit the site to view this file)
Thanks and Regards,
Part Number:TMS320DM8168
Tool/software: Linux
What all the things needed in EZSDK for enabling analog video output CVBS?
Part Number:AM5728
Tool/software: TI-RTOS
Hello, TI Experts,
Our customer sent us questions about "how to remove EMIF2-DDR" by using TI-RTOS(PROCESSOR-SDK-RTOS-AM57X).
They developed their custom board by removing DDR2 connected to EMIF2 referring TMDXIDK5728.
And they try to create their application program by using PROCESSOR-SDK-RTOS-AM57X.
They want to know how to modify "idkAM572x_ddr.c" for removing EMIF2-DDR.
So, they created the "idkAM572x_ddr.c" like below way.
- They use "idkAM572x_ddr.c".
- They change "Board_STATUS Board_DDR3Init()" by copy & paste from "idkAM571x_ddr.c".
(Because TMDXIDK5718 is used only EMIF1-DDR).
Please refer attached pdf file in detail modification.
They said it seems to run properly their custom board with their above modification.
Is it OK to use for their mass-production product?
We would appreciate if you tell us the proper/successful way of removing EMIF2-DDR including how to modify "idkAM572x_ddr.c".
If there are any notice or comment for their modification way such as pasting from " idkAM571x_ddr.c", please also tell us.
Best regards,
(Please visit the site to view this file)
Part Number:AM3359
Hello everyone,
Currently, I am trying to develop ethercat application between ICE AM3359 TI board as master and MYD-C437x board as slave.I just follow all the instructions provided in pdf "EtherCAT® Master Reference Design for AM335x CPSW":-
1) Select the CPSW using jumpers J18 and J19 between pin 1 and 2 on AM3359 board
2) Select pin 1 and 2 shorted on J5 for NOR booting on AM3359 board
3) Software download: Acontis EC-Master V2.9 for SYS/BIOS,AM335x SYS/BIOS Industrial SDK v1.1.0.8,Code Composer Studio™ : ,SYS/BIOS,XDC v3.32.01.22,Industrial SDK pre-build binaries
4) Copy MLO and app file in SD card as per given in apendix A.
5) generate ENI.xml file using EC engineer toop for AM437x. Then convert this ENI.xml file into ENI.c using xxd.exe -icommand on command prompt.copy the MasterENI.c file from the prebuilt package and paste
inside <EC-master_installation_path>\Workspace\SYSBIOS\
6)Import code in ccs.
7) Ethercat cable is connected to ETH0 port(J2) n AM335x board
and on PRUETH0 (J26) on MYD-C437x board.
8) Create target configuration and run code.
However, when I load the program, EcMasterDemo.out, and do Resume, Im getting this error on putty:
boardname: A335_ICE version: 2.1A
SYS/BIOS EcMaster Sample application
0000000174: Full command line: -auxclk 2000 -v 2 -t 10000 -perf -cpsw 1 1 1 m cu stom am33XX 1 1 0
0000000174: Run demo now with cycle time 2000 usec
0000000174: Using AuxClock
0000000174: OsMeasGet100kHzFrequency(): 600 MHz
0000000174: ==========================
0000000174: Initialize EtherCAT Master
0000000174: ==========================
0000000174: EC-Master V3.0.1.12 (Protected) for SYSBIOS Copyright acontis techno logies GmbH @ 2018
0000001788: EtherCAT network adapter MAC: 2C-6B-7D-4A-27-1D
0000001805: Protected version, stop sending ethernet frames after 60 minutes if not licensed!
0000001808: Timeout elapsed for acyclic frame IDX=0xe0, retry count = 3
0000001810: Timeout elapsed for acyclic frame IDX=0xe0, retry count = 2
0000001812: Timeout elapsed for acyclic frame IDX=0xe0, retry count = 1
0000001814: Retry sending a acyclic frame due to timeout
0000001814: EtherCAT command IDX set value=0xe0
0000001816: Timeout elapsed for acyclic frame IDX=0xe2, retry count = 3
0000001818: Timeout elapsed for acyclic frame IDX=0xe2, retry count = 2
0000001820: Timeout elapsed for acyclic frame IDX=0xe2, retry count = 1
0000001822: Retry sending a acyclic frame due to timeout
0000001822: EtherCAT command IDX set value=0xe2
0000001824: Timeout elapsed for acyclic frame IDX=0xe4, retry count = 3
0000001826: Timeout elapsed for acyclic frame IDX=0xe4, retry count = 2
0000001828: Timeout elapsed for acyclic frame IDX=0xe4, retry count = 1
0000001832: Timeout elapsed for acyclic frame IDX=0xe6, retry count = 3
0000001834: Timeout elapsed for acyclic frame IDX=0xe6, retry count = 2
0000001836: Timeout elapsed for acyclic frame IDX=0xe6, retry count = 1
0000001840: Bus scan successful - 0 slaves found
0000001840: Scan Bus returned with error: Bus configuration mismatch (0x9811001e )
0000001841: Scan bus mismatch for the first slave on bus
0000001841: Expected Slave: Unknown (0x54490001), Texas Instruments Incorporated (0xe000059d)
0000001841: Found Slave...: ----
0000001841: ========================
0000001841: Shutdown EtherCAT Master
0000001841: ========================
0000001842: ==================================================================== ========
0000001842: PerfMsmt 'JOB_ProcessAllRxFrames' (min/avg/max) [usec]: 1.0/ 8. 1/ 9.5
0000001842: PerfMsmt 'JOB_SendAllCycFrames ' (min/avg/max) [usec]: 0.5/ 4. 5/ 22.3
0000001842: PerfMsmt 'JOB_MasterTimer ' (min/avg/max) [usec]: 0.4/ 28. 7/ 86.1
0000001842: PerfMsmt 'JOB_SendAcycFrames ' (min/avg/max) [usec]: 0.4/ 7. 8/ 34.0
0000001842: PerfMsmt 'Cycle Time ' (min/avg/max) [usec]: 1450.9/1551. 9/2011.2
0000001842: PerfMsmt 'myAppWorkPd ' (min/avg/max) [usec]: 0.7/ 2. 8/ 3.2
0000002102: EcMasterDemo stop.
Can someone help what exactly is this error and how to resolved it??
Tool/software: Linux
We have designed our board with ADV7401 to capture componenet FullHD Y:Pb:Pr BIT 1120 IN AM5728,
There is currently no Linux driver for the ADV7401 available.
we need a linux driver support in V4l2 frame work and compatible to VIP in AM5728,
please suggest,same Decoder IC from TI??