We use the linux-3.1.10-lcdk_v0.bz2 for our omap-l138 board (based on OMAPL138-LCDK).
It can boot from SD-Card and the Ethernet also runs perfect.
But we still have problem to make USB2.0 to run for more than 1 week's trying.
Different kernel settings were tried, (as http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/GSG:_Building_Software_Components_for_OMAP-L1/AM1x#MMC.2FSD) host mode / peripherial mode / OTG, but same result.
When try to load Gadget module:eg. modprobe g_serial or g_zero or g_ether, error
FATAL: Error inserting g_ether (/lib/modules/3.1.10_czh9/kernel/drivers/usb/gadget/g_ether.ko): No such device
In function omapl138_hawk_usb_init() (board-omapl138-hawk.c) the setting for CFGCHIP2 and call: da8xx_register_usb20() are also added.
Can someone tell us what's wrong?
Or is there some new patch for TI?
Thanks in advance