I'm trying to communicate ARM & DSP in an OMAPL137. For that, I am using IPC3 (and its dependencies) and a Linux Kernel 3.8.8 with the RPMsg modules
I have already downloaded and built IPC3.x package (both Linux side and SYS/BIOS side). Also, I have compiled the linux kernel modules in order to obtain the needed modules (remoteproc, da8xx_remoteproc, virtio_rpmsg_bus, rpmsg_proto). For all that I've followed the tutorial in TI:
I can mount all modules and run lad_omapl138, apparently with no problem. The problems start when I try to run the test applications. For example, when I type
target# /usr/bin/MessageQApp
I obtain something like:
Ipc_start: NameServer_setup () failed: -1.
Ipc_start failed: status=-1
I'm not sure about what is happening and also, I have other questions:
1- Is the "da8xx_remoteproc" used for loading the slave binaries in the dsp? (similar to "slaveloader" application in syslink)
2- How can I see if the slave binary has been correctly loaded in the dsp? Is there some command or something similar?