Hi all,
I would like to test my protocol stack (L2, L3, channel encoder/decoder algorithms etc) software for a communication system using two Zoom OMAP-L138 eXperimenter kits. The test scheme we are planning is to interface each board to Windows PC through Ethernet port and interconnect the kits using UART. An application running on the PC will send the data to be transmitted to the board A through ethernet port. After processing, board A will transmit the signals to board B thorugh UART which will be proccessed and displayed on the PC on its side.
Now my work is to initialize the ethernet and UART ports and write drivers for the data transfer. I am totally new to this domain. I have gone through the corresponding TI documents (SPRUFL5A and SPRUFM6C) but couldn't makeout much. So, could anyone guide me to write the driver for these interfaces by explaining the points to be considered, in a step by step manner?
Thanks in Advance