One of my customers is considering to use Static Power-Down (C674x megamodule power donw) on C674x/DA810 device.
9.2.5 C674x Megamodule Power-Down
This UG says that we can put megamodule into static power-down with the following sequence:
1. Enable power-down by setting the MEGPD field to 1 in the PDCCMD register.
2. Enable the CPU interrupt(s) that you want to wake-up the C674x megamodule. Disable all other interrupts.
3. Execute the IDLE instruction.
Can I understand there is no specific requirement for interrupt event ID to awake megamodule ?
My customer is assuming, for example, signaling interrupt from the host device via GPIO can be used for this purpose.
Also, I briefly checked the errata, and I did not see any problems about static power-down.
So, I believe static power-down could be safely used on C674x/DA810 device, but if you have
any experience to ship the device to the market supporting static power-down, it is very helpful for me
to know that because I could aggressively promote the use of static power-down to my customer.
Best Regards,