I have an OMAP-L137 starter kit, DSPBIOS, CCS 5.3, OMAPL137 BIOSPSP and EDMA3 LLD I am testing software on OMAP-L137 before use of OMAP-L137-HT.
I have tested SPI0, SPI1, UART0, UART1 and UART2. Everything works fine if the operation mode is INTERRUPT mode (I.e. Spi_OpMode_INTERRUPT for the SPI driver and Uart_OpMode_INTERRUPT for the UART driver). When I change the operation mode for the SPI driver to Spi_OpMode_DMAINTERRUPT, the communication still works fine. But if I change the operation mode to Uart_OpMode_DMAINTERRUPT for the UART driver, the communication stops working (there is no communication) for the UARTs. The UART baudrate is 115200. The edma3init() function is called once.
Is this a known problem?
Have you tested these drivers in DMAINTERRUPT mode?
How should I continue to solve this?