I have for my study work the C6748 LCDK and ADS1606 EVM - 16bit analog-to-digital evaluation board
I´m seeking the best and easiest way to connect ADC to the LCDK. I think I could use the EMIFA interface in asynchronous mode. Then the connection would look like this:
data connector J2/P2 D[0-15] -> J14 EMA_D[0-15]
J14 EMA CSn_2 -> control connector J3/P3 pin 1 - CS
J14 EMA WEn -> control connector J3/P3 pin 3 - WR
J14 EMA OEn -> control connector J3/P3 pin 5 - RD
J14 EMA CLK -> control connector J3/P3 pin 19 - DRDY OUT
J14 EMA _A[0-1] -> control connector J3/P3 pin 11,13 - A2, A3
But I'm new in this and this solution might be wrong, so please could you have a look on it and say, what is wrong?
Thank you,