I am working with OMAPL138-LCDK and I want to display via vga port to a monitor the 12bit bayer data that I get from a cmos camera connected to J16 port.
I am working with OMAPL138-LCDK and I want to display via vga port to a monitor the 12bit bayer data that I get from a cmos camera connected to J16 port.
In order to achieve this I do the following:
-Originally,I have a 12-bit luminance data (for every pixel) from the sensor
-Via demosaicing the 12bit luminance data is converted to three (R,G,B) 12bit values for every pixel
-Conversion of the three R,G,B 12-bit values to a single 16-bit value (Rgb565) that is used by the lcdc controller in order to drive the R,G,B values to the monitor
-Conversion of the three R,G,B 12-bit values to a single 16-bit value (Rgb565) that is used by the lcdc controller in order to drive the R,G,B values to the monitor
The problem is that that with the above procedure I do not get the same results with image analyzer and I was wondering how image analyzer process raw data in order toe construct an image.
Thanks in advance!