I'm working with an OMAP-L137. I would like to use an interrupt on a GPIO pin, but without passing any event to the ARM; that is, I would like to regularly check the INTSTAT register to identify if an interrupt has occurred.
As far as I understand from the technical documents, the INTSTAT register works at peripheral level, so it should keep track of the received interrupts even if the ARM Interrupt Controller (AINTC) is not used.
These are the operations that I perform:
1) Configure PINMUX registers in order to enable the GPIO
2) Set GPIO pin direction (write to DIR register)
3) Set GPIO falling edge interrupt (write to SET_FAL_TRIG register)
4) Clear GPIO rising edge interrupt (write to CLR_RIS_TRIG register)
5) Enable GPIO bank interrupt (write to BINTEN register)
6) Clear interrupt flags (write to INTSTAT register).
After the initialization, my program checks INTSTAT every second, but it can't get any flag raised. I'm sure that the pin value is correct and is received by the peripheral, as i also check the IN_DATA register, that toggles correctly.
My question is: is it possible to use GPIO interrupts at peripheral level (that is reading INTSTAT)? What could be missing in my process?
Thank you,