I am implementing a new design that will use 6746. I started the firmware developments using LCDK. I evaluated the ethernet with example ndk_evm6748_coff_client . It works fine as a stand alone program, I also took example usb_dev_serial_C674x_C6748_evmC6748 after I modified it to remove the graphic implementation and add a simple data turnaround. It work fine a stand alone program. The next step, I combined the two program with the USB as a task. I could not get them to work together. Either the USB does not numerate or the ethernet can not obtain address form the DHCP server. I notice a statement that indicate this USB examples can not be used with the LAN because the NDK does not support packed data. I tried to use biosusb_01_10_03 dspite no CDC class. However, I could not get it to compile with code composer 5. I get an error that indicate invalid pass for this file "
usbdevhid.tcf" despite the pass is correct. What is the best way to start incorporating the LAN and USB with SYSBIOS under CCS5.4?. thanks